Petroleum Sorbents

  • For absorbing oil not water. Being hydrophobic (repel water) they are ideal for absorbing oil from areas where water may also be present
  • These sorbents are available in a wide range of convenient formats – each designed to enhance spill management and maximize pollution control. Oil and Petroleum Sorbents are made from inert, synthetic fibers, principally polypropylene for ‘T’ oil sorbents and polypropylene and polyester for ‘HP’. They are lightweight and dust free and have a high absorption capacity which minimizes the amount of waste for disposal.
  • Petroleum sorbents repels water and adsorbs oil.
  • Used for controlling, cleaning up and recovering oil and petroleum based liquids from effluent discharge ,streams,ponds,lakes,rivers and other bodies of water.
  • High adsorption capacity therefore less material required
  • Lightweight, mobile and easy to use.